Characterization of interactions of biomolecules

Microscale thermophoresis
Description: Characterization of affinities of biomolecular interaction
Input: Min. 40 μl of protein at concentration 100*Kd. Min 200 μl of labeled molecule in the order of the Kd.
Output: Binding curves, Kd.
Time: Next day
Approximate price: on request

Surface plasmon resonance
Description: Characterization of affinities and rates of interaction of biomolecules immobilized on the sensor chip with molecules in solution. Real-time interaction measurements.
Input: Min. 200 μl of protein solution at concentration 0.2 mg/ml. Concentrated ligand solution.
Output: Binding curves and calculated Kd, kon a koff.
Time: 7 days
Approximate price:
on request

Bio-layer interferometry
Description: Characterization of affinities of interaction of molecules (immobilized on the sensor) with molecules in solution. Real-time interaction measurements.
Input: Min. 200 μl of protein solution at concentration 0.1 mg/ml. Concentrated ligand solution.
Output: Binding curves and calculated Kd, kon a koff.
Time: Next day
Approximate price: on request

Isothermal titration calorimetry
Description: Determination of thermodynamic parameters of an interaction. No labeling or immobilization is needed. Input: 300 μl of molecule and 60 ul of ligand, μM concentration.
Output: Thermodynamic parameters of an interaction: Kd, stoichiometry, enthalpy and entropy.
Time: 3-5 days
Approximate price: on request